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FPGA design files for D2390A-A evaluation board and Arrow/Terasic SoCkit Cyclone V FPGA evaluation board

I am using the DC2390A-A evaluation board for the LTC2500-32 ADC with the Arrow/Terasic SoCkit Cyclone V FPGA evaluation board.  I cannot find the design files for the Arrow/Terasic SoCkit evaluation board for use with the DC2390A-A.  I am in need of the design files to program the Cyclone V FPGA of the SoCkit evaluation board so that I can evaluate the LTC2500-32 on the DC2390A-A evaluation board.

I can't even find the pinout information for the DC2390A-A evaluation board!  So at this point, the DC2390A-A evaluation board is useless.

Thank you for any assistance with this issue!

Parents Reply Children
  • Also, the majority of the other scripts included in the "\linear_lab_tools64\python\llt\app_examples\ltc2500_family" directory do not run, while the few that do successfully run do not output meaningful information.  I can provide the associated screenshots if they are useful on your end.

    Thank you for your continued support!

  • When running do you have the DC2390 DAC outputs connected to the ADC inputs?

  • Yes, as per the DC2390A Demo Manual.  And all jumpers are at their default positions.

  • Attached is the full output from the "" script.  As you can see, there are frequent "TIMED OUT!!" messages.

    Python 2.7.16 |Anaconda, Inc.| (default, Mar 14 2019, 15:42:17) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)]
    Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
    IPython 5.8.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.
    ?         -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features.
    %quickref -> Quick reference.
    help      -> Python's own help system.
    object?   -> Details about 'object', use 'object??' for extra details.
    runfile('D:/Program_Files/Analog Devices/linear_lab_tools64/python/llt/app_examples/ltc2500_family/', args='', wdir='D:/Program_Files/Analog Devices/linear_lab_tools64/python/llt/app_examples/ltc2500_family')
    Tuning Word:131072
    Starting client
    FPGA load type ID: 0001 - Expecting ABCD, make sure you know what you're doing!
    FPGA load revision: 0103 - Minimum is 1246, make sure you know what you're doing!
    Setting up system parameters.
    Okay, now lets blink some lights and run some tests!!
    Software immediate trigger...
    ready signal is 4
    After 0.0019998550415 Seconds...
    Starting address: 
    Reading a block of less than 1M points
    Standard Deviation: 0.0
    D:/Program_Files/Analog Devices/linear_lab_tools64/python/llt/app_examples/ltc2500_family/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log10
      fftdb = 20*np.log10(fftdata / 2.0**31)
    RMS voltage: 0.0
    Peak-to-Peak voltage: 0.0
    Software immediate trigger...
    ready signal is 0
    After 0.105000019073 Seconds...
    Starting address: 
    Reading a block of less than 1M points
    Software immediate trigger...
    D:/Program_Files/Analog Devices/linear_lab_tools64/python/llt/app_examples/ltc2500_family/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log10
      fftdb = 20*np.log10(fftdata / 2.0**31)
    ready signal is 0
    After 0.103999853134 Seconds...
    Starting address: 
    Reading a block of less than 1M points
    Software immediate trigger...
    D:/Program_Files/Analog Devices/linear_lab_tools64/python/llt/app_examples/ltc2500_family/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log10
      fftdb = 20*np.log10(fftdata / 2.0**31)
    ready signal is 0
    After 0.105000019073 Seconds...
    Starting address: 
    Reading a block of less than 1M points
    Software immediate trigger...
    ready signal is 4
    After 0.00200009346008 Seconds...
    Starting address: 
    Reading a block of less than 1M points
    Software immediate trigger...
    ready signal is 4
    After 0.0019998550415 Seconds...
    Starting address: 
    Reading a block of less than 1M points
    Writing downward ramp to LUT!
    Done writing to LUT! Hope it went okay!
    Test done! Enter "client.shutdown()" to shut down SoCkit board.

  • The output says that you have the wrong FPGA load type and load revision.

    Did you follow the attached instructions when writing the SD card?

  • Yes - I precisely followed the instructions for writing the SD card and used the image that you linked (above) in your first response to my posting.

  • I have been informed that the DC2390 article may no longer be pointing to the most recent version of the FPGA image. Can you provide me with an email address that I can send a link to, with the most recent image. We are trying to update the article so that it points to the most recent image but I am not sure how long that will take.