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ADAS1000SDZ interfacing through SPI issue

Category: Software

I'm trying to interface the ADAS1000 eval board with the SAM E54 Xplained Pro Eval board. 

I took the below No OS driver code and added its functions and program flow into my project.

In the Init part I'm setting the SPI parameters. doing software reset, Setting Inactive Frame Words as 0 and setting the frame rate.

Then I'm trying to read the CMREFCTL register using the "ADAS1000_GetRegisterValue" function. The register value always returns as 0.

MCU Eval Board: SAM E54 Xplained Pro

AFE Eval board: ADAS1000SDZ

SPI Configurations:

  • SPI Data order - MSB first
  • SPI Speed - 1,300,000 Hz
  • Data character size - 8 bits
  • Phase - Data sampled on leading edge and changed on trailing SCK edge
  • Polarity - SCK is high when idle

Framerate set is 2KHz.

Kindly, help me sort this issue. Thanks