I am trying to power up the ad9744-fmc-ebz eval board, so I have integrated it with z7035 (adrv1crr-fmc).
- Following connections are made at our end, connected JP2 between 1 & 2, JP3 between 1 & 2, installed 0ohm-0402 resistor for R42,R44,R45,R48,R49, and removed 0ohm-0402 resistor for R43,R47,R47,R50,R51.
- Using an SMA T-adapter, I set the SMA to 100MHz clock frequency and 16dBm output and connected it to J3 and J4 of the evaluation board.
- In the FPGA, using the FMC sync clock & Xilinx's DDS compiler IP core, I generated a sine wave of 10MHz-full scale in 2's complement format and fed it to the DAC digital pins. No output is observed on the oscilloscope.
Also, I have made some observations on the ad9744-fmc-ebz hardware (around the AD9744 chip), highlighted in the following images. I am in a dilemma of whether is it a short or just a line on the hardware.