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About Error in Example MATLAB Code

Category: Hardware
Product Number: AD9164

Hi  everyone, I am currently using EVAL AD916X RF DAC and ADS7 V2 EBZ Data Capture Kit on a project.

I generate and load vectors into ADS7 V2 EBZ data capture kit via MATLAB by using the sample code file named  AD9162.m in the link above. Each sample value of vector (Idata) generated from MATLAB are kept as an array element.  In this code, I would like to download vectors with high number of sample numbers, for example a 500000000(5e+9) sample vector. When I run the code to download vector generated from MATLAB, I get an error “Array dimension exceeds the supported range, Source: AnologDevicesDPG.Ads7SeriesCommon” at the “jesd204Core.Tx.DownloadVector(Idata)” line of AD9162.m. However, after printing the values of the same vector( Idata) into a .txt file, I am able to load and play the same vector by using “Add Data File” feature on the DPGDownloader software. What is the supported range for jesdCoreDownloadVector() expression? How should I proceed when I want to laod and play vectors with higher sample numbers in MATLAB?
  • Hi  ,

    Thanks for your interest in AD9164.

    The error you encountered came from the method/function jesd204Core.Tx.DownloadVector() of dll file from DPGDownloader software. The possible reason for this is due to large object size limit in .NET

    So DPGDownloader might be able to generate large vectors or open vector files of unlimited size, but it would fail when trying to download the array size greater than 2GB. The error System.OutOfMemoryException: Array dimensions exceeded supported range can be avoided by changing the page file size to grow automatically, just watch out for Out of Disk space.

    You can follow this wiki guide for handling large memory usage: Preparing your Laptop or PC for Large Captures [Analog Devices Wiki]

    Also, would you be able to provide the text file you generated (5e+9 samples vector) that allows you to load and play?

  • Hi Deferson, the vector array size that I generated from MATLAB is lower than 2 GB. Also,I checked instructions in link that you attached above, "Automatically change page size" option is already selected.  Do you have any solution about this  problem?

  • Hi  ,

    Will get back to you once I got feedback from DPG Downloader developers if this feature supported in the software.