Based on the current documentation, I changed the jumper connection as instructed.
Since I only have a 12V/24W wall wart available at the moment, I connected it to P15.
However, I encountered an issue where selecting "On-Board amplifier" in ACE and outputting a waveform did not affect the output voltage, even though I connected the power supply.
Upon reviewing the schematic, I noticed that the VIN of P15 on the board is only connected to the VIN of "POWER".
I am not sure if my understanding is correct.
Vpp originally increased from 400mV to 1.3V (presumably due to the effect of the amplifier on the board),
but I don't understand why it still stays at 1.3V even after connecting the power supply.Thank you.
moved and tagged
[edited by: GenevaCooper at 1:15 PM (GMT -4) on 1 May 2023]