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AD9106 Clocking and Output Questions

From my customer:

I also would ask several questions.

My first question: I trying to learn the AD9106 12-Bit, DDS and Waveform Generator. My question is if I can use a 3.3V clock from C8051F130 MCU for AD9106 clock input? In the data sheet, it discusses a conversion circuit, and  I am wondering if 3.3V TTL clock can work directly? 

Clock details: The MCU clock is 100M Hz at 3.3V I can divide the clock by any integer number. I need to generate a 10MHz sine wave and cosine wave (same frequency) simultaneously. The low frequency that I need to generate will be down to 0.00001 Hz, by dividing the input clock.

The 2nd question is: Can connect the IOUTPUT of the AD9106 to the inverting terminal of an op amp? ADI provides the schematics for the AD9106 evaluation board. On the board, they use transformer coupling. If I can directly connect the op amp to convert the current to voltage, it would be much easier, is this possible? What would be drawbacks?

Third question: I also need to know what is the middle current level for AD9106 in case of a sine wave? I may need to bias it to bipolar zero and adjust the gain to make output +/-1V amplitude.

  • Hi -

    1. Figure 39 in the datasheet shows how to connect a single ended clock signal to the AD9106. Provided your CLKVDD supply is 3.3V you can drive the CLKP input directly from 3.3V TTL. CLKN should be connected as shown.

    2. You can connect IOUT directly to the minus input of a current to voltage converter op-amp circuit.
