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AD9993-EBZ : Evaluation software


I have a question and request about AD9993-EBZ evaluation board from our customer.
Our customer purchased AD9993-EBZ but the evaluation kit did not include CD-ROM.
We checked the Wiki site for evaluation board, but we could not find the files which are stored in the CD-ROM.
And I could not download the "Quick Start Guide" from the Wiki site becouse the link was lost.

Q1. The attached pdf is a "Quick Start Guide" that the customer obtained somewhere.
    Is this guide a newer version ?

Q2. According to the page 4 of this Quick Start Guide, we need some files from the CD-ROM.
   4. Copy “ADF4351_RevB_C_D1.exe” to your PC from the CD included in the box with your AD9993-EBZ. This is a lab view executable used to program the ADF4351 synthesizer ICs on the board.

   6. Copy “single_channel.vac” and “fpga_dig_top_PHASE-SHIFT_n70.bin” from the CD in the box with the AD9993-EBZ to your PC. These files are used by Visual Analog to produce the ADC analyzer display shown in Figure 10.

   7. Copy AD9993_intclk_adc_dac.mgp from the CD. This macro file is used by the SPI Controller to program the AD9993 on chip registers.

   Would you please tell me how can I obtain these files ?

Q3. Do we need more files to operate AD9993-EBZ ?
    If we need more files please let me know.

It is an urgent request from our customer.

Best regards,

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