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AD9993-EBZ : Evaluation software


I have a question and request about AD9993-EBZ evaluation board from our customer.
Our customer purchased AD9993-EBZ but the evaluation kit did not include CD-ROM.
We checked the Wiki site for evaluation board, but we could not find the files which are stored in the CD-ROM.
And I could not download the "Quick Start Guide" from the Wiki site becouse the link was lost.

Q1. The attached pdf is a "Quick Start Guide" that the customer obtained somewhere.
    Is this guide a newer version ?

Q2. According to the page 4 of this Quick Start Guide, we need some files from the CD-ROM.
   4. Copy “ADF4351_RevB_C_D1.exe” to your PC from the CD included in the box with your AD9993-EBZ. This is a lab view executable used to program the ADF4351 synthesizer ICs on the board.

   6. Copy “single_channel.vac” and “fpga_dig_top_PHASE-SHIFT_n70.bin” from the CD in the box with the AD9993-EBZ to your PC. These files are used by Visual Analog to produce the ADC analyzer display shown in Figure 10.

   7. Copy AD9993_intclk_adc_dac.mgp from the CD. This macro file is used by the SPI Controller to program the AD9993 on chip registers.

   Would you please tell me how can I obtain these files ?

Q3. Do we need more files to operate AD9993-EBZ ?
    If we need more files please let me know.

It is an urgent request from our customer.

Best regards,

  • Hi -

    The attached quick start guide is the latest and only quick start guide for AD9993-EBZ. You can use the links in the initial setup section of the quick start guide to download all the software and files needed to get the AD9993-EVB up and running.


    Initial Set-Up

    1. Install the High Speed DAC Update Including DPG Downloader and AD9993 support files on your PC Using the "DAC Software Suite" link on this Page:

    DPG Downloader is a GUI that allows you to input data vectors to the AD9993 DACs via DPG3.

    2. Install the SPI Controller software using the "High Speed ADC SPI Control Software" link on this web page:

    SPI Controller is a GUI that provides read/write access to AD9993 on-chip registers.

    3. Install Visual Analog by pressing the "Download Visual Analog" button at this link:

    Visual Analog is a GUI that facilitates analysis of ADC performance.

  • Hello Larry,

    Thank you for your support.

    Would you please teach me a liitle more.

    Our customer said that he need the files which are indicated in section of "4"~"7" of Startup Guide..





    Are these files included in the file sets that you indicated as links for initial set-up ?

    According to the Startup Guide, these files are included in the CD, sepalately from "1"~"3" links.

    Would you please confirm that these files are included in the link which you mentioned ?

    If thses files are not included in the links, please indicate me how to obtain it ?

    Best regards,


  • Hi -

    After you complete step 1 of the initial setup, all the files in your list above will be in the directory C:\Program Files (x86)\Analog Devices\HSDAC\AD9993 on your computer.
