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AD9106 Full scale Output current


In the table 1 of AD9106 Rev C datasheet the FSO current @3.3V is specified between 2mA and 8mA with a "typical" value of 4mA. The note (1) adds that these values are based on Rset = 8k.

Does this mean that I can obtain from 2 to 8mA IoutFS if Rset = 8k, due to a poor accuracy before calibration?

Or does this mean that - with a 1.0V Vrefio - 8k gives 4mA, but IoutFS won't go under 2mA even if DACxRSET contains less than 0x05 and won't go over 8mA even if DACxRSET contains more than 0x14?

(I found the answer that explain DACxRSET is 0x0A at reset, which gives 800 Ohms x 10 = 8000 Ohms, hence through equations (3) and (4): IoutFS = 32 x 1.0 / 8000 = 4mA.)

