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EVAL-AD9789_Internal QAM Test


My customer is considering AD9789.
Therefore I provided an evaluation board.

I followed the steps below according to the Quick Start Guide.

The operation procedure I did is as follows.
1 )5V / 2A power connection to P5 and P6
2 )CLK input from SG (2.29376 GHz_2 dB) to S1
3 )Connect spectrum analyzer to S5
4 )Connect USB Port of XP2 to PC
5 )JP9, JP10 LVDS connection for operation with 5 Internal QAM Test
6 )Check that JP setting between 2-3 pins is also set for JP7 and JP8.
7 )Turn on the power in the condition of 1 to 6 and start "AD9789.PRN" and check that STATUS is green.
8 )After pressing “load” in “AD9789.SPI” (shown below), select “AD9789_SPISettings_Int_QAM.txt” in “RUN”,
    After that, press "load" to release and "PARMNEW" is turned ON.

What I read from the data sheet is the above. Are there any steps such as deleting the procedure or setting up the GUI at the initial stage?

Evaluation board: One of the two could not confirm the waveform output.
(Some XD1 LEDs do not light green when connected to USB.)

Could you tell me about this cause?

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