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Output sawtooth wave to AD9144

This is a question about the operation of the AD9144.
My customers are evaluating the AD9144.
My customer is trying to output sawtooth waves from AD9144.
T = 200 nS, + 100 count → -100 count
The customer inputs the code and evaluates the output waveform.
Strangely, the output slope bounces small around 0 count.
Customers suspect this as miscounts.
Is this due to the nature of T-DAC?
Do you have any views?
Please advise me.


Is this phenomenon called MIDSCALE GLITCH?
Where should I check to isolate it from mistakes in circuit design?

Best regards

  • Hi

    My customers confirmed the power supply with an oscilloscope, but they say that they can not find fluctuations synchronized with the glitch.
    The power supplies they have confirmed are AVDD33, PVDD12, CVDD12.DVDD12, SVDD12 (VTT), IOVDD (SIOVDD33).
    They said that they were monitored at both ends of the capacitor furthest from the power supply regulator.

    The circuit of the power supply regulator follows FMCDAQ2.
    Each system of 3.3 V and 1.2 V system is supplying power to each terminal of DAC through LPF (chip bead and 4.7 μF capacitor).

    They are saying to try adding capacitors to the power supply system.


    By the way, I'm wondering, can the glitches shown by customers be found on the evaluation board with meticulous observations?
    Also, if they evaluate the output waveform in the frequency domain, is it likely to be a problem?




    Best regards

  • Hi

    My customers confirmed the power supply with an oscilloscope, but they say that they can not find fluctuations synchronized with the glitch.
    The power supplies they have confirmed are AVDD33, PVDD12, CVDD12.DVDD12, SVDD12 (VTT), IOVDD (SIOVDD33).
    They said that they were monitored at both ends of the capacitor furthest from the power supply regulator.

    The circuit of the power supply regulator follows FMCDAQ2.
    Each system of 3.3 V and 1.2 V system is supplying power to each terminal of DAC through LPF (chip bead and 4.7 μF capacitor).

    They are saying to try adding capacitors to the power supply system.


    By the way, I'm wondering, can the glitches shown by customers be found on the evaluation board with meticulous observations?
    Also, if they evaluate the output waveform in the frequency domain, is it likely to be a problem?




    Best regards

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