1/ What does DVDD from 2.7 to 5.25 mean ?
2/ Is it possible to work with a DVDD=3.3V ?
3/ In this case, which clock level has to be put : 3.5Vmin/1.0Vmax ?
1/ What does DVDD from 2.7 to 5.25 mean ?
All production testing an datasheet specifications use AVDD=5V and DVDD=5V.
However DVDD may anywhere from 2.7V to 5.25V in order to facilitate easy
connection to lower voltage logic.
2/ Is it possible to work with a DVDD=3.3V ?
Yes. Note that the power sequencing is not critical, but refer to the absolute
maximum ratings and you’ll note that AVSS and DVSS must remain within 300mV of
each other at all times.
3/ In this case, which clock level has to be put : 3.5Vmin/1.0Vmax ?
Again, refer the to absolute maximum ratings on page 4, all digital outputs are
references to DVDD. However CLK is referenced to AVDD. The CLOCK input must
swing between 3.5V and 1.0V.