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Regarding AD9228 SPI Communication

Category: Hardware
Product Number: AD9228

I'm using ad9228 40MSPS adc package with that I'm configuring adc using SPI with sclk speed of 500khz I'm facing issue with write operation.i can able to read/write chip configuration and device index registers but I was unable to write adc functions registers .

I had verified DRVDD and AVDD Both are connected with 1.8v supply 

PDWN Pins are in low state.

Reft and refb are connected as per recommended data sheet configuration 

I'm driving clk+ and clk- as single ended lvcoms33 and clk+ driving with 40mhz clock and clk- as logic 0.

ADC soft reset are in off state and I had enabled dco and fco clock but there is no output form ADC .

Kindly support 

Thanks in advance 

  • Hi  

    Thanks for using AD9228.

    Have you tried performing a soft reset by writing 0x3C to register address 0x00. When the ADC comes out of a reset, critical registers are preloaded with default values. See datasheet Memory Map for the default value. 

    Also note that you'll need to set the bit 0 of the register address 0xFF to apply changes made to other registers (0x08 to 0x22). When you write to various configuration registers, the changes are often not immediately applied. Writing to the register 0xFF with 0x01 triggers the device to transfer the new settings from the configuration registers to the active registers, making the changes take effect

  • Thanks for your support.. It's worked.I have missed to write in register xFF after written data in ADC function registers.