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data sheet error re spi interface

Category: Datasheet/Specs
Product Number: AD9254

rev A, 2020 of datasheet, page 22 

For example,
Hexadecimal Address 0x14, output_phase, has a hexadecimal
default value of 0x00. This means Bit 3 = 0, Bit 2 = 0, Bit 1 = 1,
and Bit 0 = 1 or 0011 in binary. This setting is the default
output clock or DCO phase adjust option. The default value
adjusts the DCO phase 90° relative to the nominal DCO edge
and 180° relative to the data edge.

from the register map in table 15, 

x14 is output mode, while x16 is output phase. Further more, the only defined bits of output phase are inverted or normal (bit 7). the default for the register is 0. The paragraph above says the default is 0x0 and goes on to describe a default of 0x3. please post a rewrite of the above paragraph and the register definitions that is accurate. thank you

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