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AD9276 diff input

Category: Hardware
Product Number: AD9276


I have a question about AD9276. Does AD9276 support real differential input? i.e., negative input is a 180 degree phase shift reference with positive input? If that's ok, what do we do with feedback pin (LO-x, LOSW-x). Can we just leave them float? Thanks. 


  • Hi,

    The AD9276 does not support differential input because the LNA is designed to be driven from a single-ended signal source. You may use a differential-to-single-ended signal converter to connect with it. The part will still function when the LO-x, LOSW-x pins are left floating. These pins are used to set the input impedance of the part. Please see the Active Impedance Matching section of the datasheet for more info.

  • Hi,

    The AD9276 does not support differential input because the LNA is designed to be driven from a single-ended signal source. You may use a differential-to-single-ended signal converter to connect with it. The part will still function when the LO-x, LOSW-x pins are left floating. These pins are used to set the input impedance of the part. Please see the Active Impedance Matching section of the datasheet for more info.

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