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Reading data from AD9467 FMC board with ZedBoard

Category: Hardware
Product Number: AD9467-FMC-250EBZ(EVAL-AD9467) and ZedBoard
Software Version: Vivado 2018.3


I want to read ADC data from AD9467 evaluation board with an FPGA. The board is connected ZedBoard with FMC connector and I am just using FPGA (PL)  part in ZedBoard(not PS part).

 connection AD9467 Eval board and ZedBoard

I am sampling data with Data Clock Output(DCO) that is one of the output of AD9467 chip. Also this clock runs 250 MHz and both edges(rising and falling) are using. The timing diagram from AD9467 datasheet is below.

data capture timing diagram

Board clock  is coming from output(default) with sine wave type input but also we can use other option like on board oscillator or on board clock generator IC but for now it is set default( When I am not connect any sinus signal the clock that runs ad9467 chip must not work but it seems still working. For reading adc data  I am debugging FPGA with ILA in Vivado. When I program the FPGA ILA shows up(if there is no clock I guess ILA must not pop up) and showing some data. How that happens? 


Thanks for your helps.

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