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AD9643: Data value of zero volts input in invert mode

Category: Datasheet/Specs
Product Number: AD9643


I have a question about the AD9643 data format from our customer.

Q. What value returns while inputting zero volts to VIN when using invert mode?

 According to table 11 of the datasheet(rev.F), 0x2000 will return in normal mode.
The table 11 indicates the steps of the positive range is 0x0000 to 0x1FFF and the steps of the negative range is 0x2001 to 0x3FFF. The negative range is 0x1 smaller than the positive range.
So the customer expects it will return 0x1FFF while inputting zero volts to VIN when using invert mode.
Does AD9643 return 0x1FFF in invert mode?

Best regards,
