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AD9656 Timing & Data Mapping


   I am using my own FPGA board and AD9656 PCB to verify the JESD204B protocol.  But I can't get any data with my current configuration. So I have some questions about this AD9656 DATA output config.

(1) By default, the AD9656 would output data without any configuration, is that right?  

(2)The default configuration is: M=4, Lane=1, if ADC clk = 100MHz, then, data output rate is 4Gbps, is that right?

(3)The default configuration timing is like below, I want to know where is location of  the LSB part, are they following at next clk cycle by the same pattern?

(4)If I use quick config, Setting 0x5E with value 0x44, which mean M=4, Lane=4,  clk=100MHz, then what is the data output rate? Is it still 4Gbps?

(5) With qucik config M=4, Lane=4, How does the ADC data map to the JESD204B Lane? Is the picture mapping below correct?

  • Hi eleday,

    Thank you for your interest in AD9656. Here are some responses to your questions.

    1. Yes, AD9656 has a valid default configuration but there are JESD204B link bring-up steps that are needed to establish the link. The AD9656 datasheet has a summary of these steps. The complete description is in the JESD204B standard document which is available from JEDEC.
    2. For M=4, Lane=1, if ADC clk = 100MHz, then, output bit rate is 8Gbps. If you change to L = 2, then the output bitrate would be 4Gbps.
    3. The data comes out MSB first, so the LSB (the one least significant bit) for each converter and each sample, is the last data bit before the MSB of the next word. Please note that the screenshot conceptual diagram is of encoded data so the 16 data bits from the ADC would not be obvious.
    4. With M=4, L=4 and the clock frequency is 100MHz, then the output bitrate is 2Gbps. When you double the number of lanes, the output bitrate is halved.
    5. I agree with your mapping picture, where "MSB" represents the 8 MSBs and "LSB" represents the 8 LSBs.

    We can provide sample FPGA capture code for AD9656 if you would like to see it. It does not include the JESD204B IP though. You would need to get that from Xilinx.

    Thank you.


  • Hi Dougl

     Thanks a lot for the reply. 

    (1) I was asking the first question because I can not received any data currently. I want to make sure the AD9656 can output data without any config. So that the issue would not from the AD9656 configuration. From your explaination, the issue may came from my FPGA config or FPGA setup, like sync/sysref setup. 

    (2) For the screenshot of the timing  conceptual diagram, that really confused me,  because it only show 8/10 bit MSB for each sample, so it misleading me about the data rate calculation. Thanks for your clarification. I understood the timing now. 

    (3) Currently, I still can not received any data from AD9656 with corretly setting JESD204B L/M/F/S & FPGA clock/bit rate.  That will be great if you can provide FPGA  sample code. Any information may help me at this point. 

    My next step is to check the SYNCINB/SYSREF singal.  As I used single-ended FPGA I/O for these two signal, so I need to used a single-ended to diffential-ended  conventer(ADN4663)  to convert these two signal.  Do you know how to check the SYNCINB/SYSREF?  What's the frequency of these two signal base on the JESD204B L/M/F/S & sample rate? 

  • Hi eleday,

    I've requested that the sample FPGA code be emailed to you. It should be sent early next week.

    I'm not an expert on JESD, but here is some basic information.

    SYSREF frequency is equal to the LMFC frequency, or is a subharmonic of it.

    LMFC frequency is the Frame Clock frequency divided by the JESD204B parameter K, where K is the number of frames per multiframe (configurable on the AD9656).

    The Frame Clock frequency is the ADC sample clock frequency divided by the JESD204B parameter S, where S is the number of samples transmitted/single converter/frame cycle (AD9656 value = 1). So for AD9656, the Frame Clock frequency is the same as the ADC sampling frequency.

    The AD9656 SYNCINB signal is the SYNC~ signal defined in the JESD204B standard document. This is a handshaking signal the JESD receiver uses to initiate synchronization.

    I suggest you look at some JESD204B reference material for more information.



  • Hi eleday,

    I've requested that the sample FPGA code be emailed to you. It should be sent early next week.

    I'm not an expert on JESD, but here is some basic information.

    SYSREF frequency is equal to the LMFC frequency, or is a subharmonic of it.

    LMFC frequency is the Frame Clock frequency divided by the JESD204B parameter K, where K is the number of frames per multiframe (configurable on the AD9656).

    The Frame Clock frequency is the ADC sample clock frequency divided by the JESD204B parameter S, where S is the number of samples transmitted/single converter/frame cycle (AD9656 value = 1). So for AD9656, the Frame Clock frequency is the same as the ADC sampling frequency.

    The AD9656 SYNCINB signal is the SYNC~ signal defined in the JESD204B standard document. This is a handshaking signal the JESD receiver uses to initiate synchronization.

    I suggest you look at some JESD204B reference material for more information.


