Hello Sir/Ma'am,
Good evening,
I am using in my design ADG3300BRUZ for a level translation from 3.3V to 1.8V. Used for the temperature sensor, and temperature sensor is connected with I2C lines (SCL and SDA), and I2C pins are the open-drain, Temperature sensor is on the DAC board, Mother connected and DAC connected with FMC connector. Mother board consist a FPGA, and FPGA bank is operating at a 1.8v.
I2C pin have connected with 4.7K pull up resistor, and due to the pull up resistor pin is not going up-to 0V, Afterward we have change the pull-up value from 4.7k to the 10k and pin goes low. But when the pins goes low the ringing is coming that why temperature sensor is unable to read the status of the of DAC board,
Please suggest me how to correct it.
I am attaching the snapshot of the schematic and and output of the pin that i have observed on the oscilloscope.