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Power sequence for AD9273

Hello, have You any recomendations for power-up/power-down sequence for AD9273?

I want to rise-up DRVDD first, then AVDD1 and AVDD2.

For power-down: off all supplyes together.

  • Hi Sanchogus,

    There is no power sequence requirement for AD9273, you can power up the DRVDD, AVDD1, AVDD2 at the same time.

    If you want to add the power up sequence, I will recommend you the below solutions.

    Only power sequence:  ADM1185 is easy to use.

    If you want power sequence and also power monitoring: ADM1068 is the candidate. 

    Hugh Yu

  • Hi Sanchogus,

    There is no power sequence requirement for AD9273, you can power up the DRVDD, AVDD1, AVDD2 at the same time.

    If you want to add the power up sequence, I will recommend you the below solutions.

    Only power sequence:  ADM1185 is easy to use.

    If you want power sequence and also power monitoring: ADM1068 is the candidate. 

    Hugh Yu

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