I am currently experiencing an issue while reading data through SPI from the AD9204 chip with an external microcontroller. I connected the micro SPI signals to the eval board connector (J301-2 -> SPI_CLK, J304-2 -> SPI_CSN, J301-6 -> SPI_MOSI, J301-8 -> SPI_MISO, and the ground ) but I cannot see any data back from the AD9204 when sending a read request. The ADC chip runs with the board oscillator (J605 is shorted) and no input signal is provided. As additional info, the reference voltage levels on P103 and P102 are OK and I can see an output running clock on DCOA and DCOB pins.
This is what I can see from the oscillope:
The chip does not react also for different addresses. Is there something that i am missing ?