I need to set decimation ratio to decimated by one but I can only set to 2, 4, 8 (I don't need 16).
I have setup AD9684 registers as below to capture real signal only on 2 channels.
chip application mode (register 0x200) = 0x22
chip decimation ratio (register 0x201) = 0x00
DDC0 control (register 0x310) = 0x5B
DDC0 input selection(register 0x311) = 0x00
DDC1 control (register 0x330) = 0x5B
DDC1 input selection(register 0x331) = 0x05
output mode control(register 0x559) = 0x01 (tied to OVR bit)
Output Mode (register 0x561) = 0x00
LVDS Output Mode (register 0x568) = 0x01
all other registers are set as default.
is there any specific setting I need to do?