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about VisualAnalog

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are going to use AD9257 for Image sensor and studying VisualAnalog

using AD9257-65EBZ and HSC-ADC-EVALCZ.

AD9257 is connected with 8-ch CMOS sensor.

So,we want to acquire Row_data of AD9257.

What is the simple or best method using VisualAnlog?.

Attached image is sample canvas.

It would be greatly appreciated if advice could be gotten.

Sincerely yours,


  • Hi Kou-san,

    I'm sorry about the trouble you are having. I'll continue investigating.

    In parallel, would you please try invoking a digital reset using the ADCBase0 tab in SPIController.

    Please select "Reset" as shown above, and then select "Chip run".

    Does this change anything?


  • Hi Kou-san,

    I'm sorry about the trouble you are having. I'll continue investigating.

    In parallel, would you please try invoking a digital reset using the ADCBase0 tab in SPIController.

    Please select "Reset" as shown above, and then select "Chip run".

    Does this change anything?


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