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ad9361 FDD模式双口CMOS全双工1T1R。 读ENSM始终在alert状态,TXCP不能校准,不能进入FDD,也不能收发数据。

您好!我在使用ad9361 FDD模式双口CMOS全双工1T1R 通过FPGAENSM始终在alert状态,不能进入FDD,同时BBP不能收到dataframe,但是有rx_clk。我用enable脉冲使能一次,然后再使能第二次,也没有进入FDD flush状态。请问需要配置哪些寄存器才能正常进入FDD数据收发状态?能提供一个完整的寄存器配置顺序和参数吗?我晶振是40MHz的,要实现1T1R,双口全双工,我的目的是先能输出100MHz~1300MHz的点频,方式可以采用管脚控制收发,也可以SPI方式控制。后续再改成2T2R独立收发的方式。

我的也是这样的情况:AD9361采用FDD同时收发,ENABLE脉冲触发方式,脉冲宽度为2FB_CLK时钟,但是读取的0x017的值一直是5,也就是ENSM一直处在ALERT状态。请问该怎么处理?我是用的这个方法:首先已确保0x014[4]=1. 0x013[0] = 1,同时使用SPI语句SPIWrite 0x014=0x23 将状态转入FDD的方法,但是读取的0x017的值一直是5,也就是ENSM一直处在ALERT状态没有进入FDDSPIWrite 0x014=0x23 后,ENABLE一个脉冲,进入ALERT状态,再给一个脉冲,进入FDD,读取状态值,发现并没有进入FDD flush状态。

  • 谢谢!那些资料我之前都看过了。

    我用的FPGA纯逻辑对ad9361进行参数配置,参考时钟是40M无源晶振。我需要设置RF LO 100MHz,ADC和DAC与BBP的接口速率都是30.72MHz,DDR速率,FDD,1T1R,CMOS,DDR,full duplex,enable pulse mode。


    1. RF VCO tx:0x284[7],1 when done.But it can't be done when read the register value.However,the rx:0x247[7] is done.It means TXCP can't be correctly calibrated,but the RXCP calibration is done.
    2. How to move alert to FDD?I’m using FDD,1T1R,CMOS,DDR,full duplex,enable pulse mode,Refclk is 40MHz.

    I configured the register 0x012==0x02.After all register is configured,and I read the register’ s value 0x17==0x05,which means the ENSM is always in Alert state.I try to reconfigure the alert to FDD,but it is still keep in alert state.

    can you offer a detail register map that can fit for my application? I use register map as follows:

    // AD9361 R2 Auto Generated Initialization Script:  This script was
    // generated using the AD9361 Customer software Version 2.1.3
    // Profile: LTE 20 MHz
    // REFCLK_IN: 40.000 MHz


    BlockWrite 2,6 // Set ADI FPGA SPI to 20Mhz
    SPIWrite 3DF,01 // Required for proper operation
    SPIWrite 2A6,0E // Enable Master Bias
    SPIWrite 2A8,0E // Set Bandgap Trim
    REFCLK_Scale 40.000000,2,2 // Sets local variables in script engine, user can ignore
    SPIWrite 292,08 // Set DCXO Coarse Tune[5:0].  Coarse and Fine nominal values used with eval system.  Other nominal values may be needed in a customer system
    SPIWrite 293,80 // Set DCXO Fine Tune [12:5]
    SPIWrite 294,00 // Set DCXO Fine Tune [4:0]
    SPIWrite 2AB,07 // Set RF PLL reflclk scale to REFCLK * 2
    SPIWrite 2AC,FF // Set RF PLL reflclk scale to REFCLK * 2
    SPIWrite 009,07 // Enable Clocks
    WAIT 20 // waits 20 ms

    // Set BBPLL Frequency: 983.040000
    SPIWrite 045,03 // Set BBPLL reflclk scale to REFCLK * 2
    SPIWrite 046,02 // Set BBPLL Loop Filter Charge Pump current
    SPIWrite 048,E8 // Set BBPLL Loop Filter C1, R1
    SPIWrite 049,5B // Set BBPLL Loop Filter R2, C2, C1
    SPIWrite 04A,35 // Set BBPLL Loop Filter C3,R2
    SPIWrite 04B,E0 // Allow calibration to occur and set cal count to 1024 for max accuracy
    SPIWrite 04E,10 // Set calibration clock to REFCLK/4 for more accuracy
    SPIWrite 043,14 // BBPLL Freq Word (Fractional[7:0])
    SPIWrite 042,2E // BBPLL Freq Word (Fractional[15:8])
    SPIWrite 041,09 // BBPLL Freq Word (Fractional[23:16])
    SPIWrite 044,0C // BBPLL Freq Word (Integer[7:0])
    SPIWrite 03F,05 // Start BBPLL Calibration
    SPIWrite 03F,01 // Clear BBPLL start calibration bit
    SPIWrite 04C,86 // Increase BBPLL KV and phase margin
    SPIWrite 04D,01 // Increase BBPLL KV and phase margin
    SPIWrite 04D,05 // Increase BBPLL KV and phase margin
    WAIT_CALDONE BBPLL,2000 // Wait for BBPLL to lock, Timeout 2sec, Max BBPLL VCO Cal Time: 172.800 us (Done when 0x05E[7]==1)

    SPIRead 05E // Check BBPLL locked status  (0x05E[7]==1 is locked)

    SPIWrite 002,4E // Setup Tx Digital Filters/ Channels
    SPIWrite 003,5E // Setup Rx Digital Filters/ Channels
    SPIWrite 004,03 // Select Rx input pin(A,B,C)/ Tx out pin (A,B)
    SPIWrite 00A,09 // Set BBPLL post divide rate

    // AD9361 R2 Auto Generated Initialization Script:  This script was
    // generated using the AD9361 Customer software Version 2.1.3
    // Profile: LTE 20 MHz
    // REFCLK_IN: 40.000 MHz


    BlockWrite 2,6 // Set ADI FPGA SPI to 20Mhz
    SPIWrite 3DF,01 // Required for proper operation
    SPIWrite 2A6,0E // Enable Master Bias
    SPIWrite 2A8,0E // Set Bandgap Trim
    REFCLK_Scale 40.000000,2,2 // Sets local variables in script engine, user can ignore
    SPIWrite 292,08 // Set DCXO Coarse Tune[5:0].  Coarse and Fine nominal values used with eval system.  Other nominal values may be needed in a customer system
    SPIWrite 293,80 // Set DCXO Fine Tune [12:5]
    SPIWrite 294,00 // Set DCXO Fine Tune [4:0]
    SPIWrite 2AB,07 // Set RF PLL reflclk scale to REFCLK * 2
    SPIWrite 2AC,FF // Set RF PLL reflclk scale to REFCLK * 2
    SPIWrite 009,07 // Enable Clocks
    WAIT 20 // waits 20 ms

    // Set BBPLL Frequency: 983.040000
    SPIWrite 045,03 // Set BBPLL reflclk scale to REFCLK * 2
    SPIWrite 046,02 // Set BBPLL Loop Filter Charge Pump current
    SPIWrite 048,E8 // Set BBPLL Loop Filter C1, R1
    SPIWrite 049,5B // Set BBPLL Loop Filter R2, C2, C1
    SPIWrite 04A,35 // Set BBPLL Loop Filter C3,R2
    SPIWrite 04B,E0 // Allow calibration to occur and set cal count to 1024 for max accuracy
    SPIWrite 04E,10 // Set calibration clock to REFCLK/4 for more accuracy
    SPIWrite 043,14 // BBPLL Freq Word (Fractional[7:0])
    SPIWrite 042,2E // BBPLL Freq Word (Fractional[15:8])
    SPIWrite 041,09 // BBPLL Freq Word (Fractional[23:16])
    SPIWrite 044,0C // BBPLL Freq Word (Integer[7:0])
    SPIWrite 03F,05 // Start BBPLL Calibration
    SPIWrite 03F,01 // Clear BBPLL start calibration bit
    SPIWrite 04C,86 // Increase BBPLL KV and phase margin
    SPIWrite 04D,01 // Increase BBPLL KV and phase margin
    SPIWrite 04D,05 // Increase BBPLL KV and phase margin
    WAIT_CALDONE BBPLL,2000 // Wait for BBPLL to lock, Timeout 2sec, Max BBPLL VCO Cal Time: 172.800 us (Done when 0x05E[7]==1)

    SPIRead 05E // Check BBPLL locked status  (0x05E[7]==1 is locked)

    SPIWrite 002,4E // Setup Tx Digital Filters/ Channels
    SPIWrite 003,5E // Setup Rx Digital Filters/ Channels
    SPIWrite 004,03 // Select Rx input pin(A,B,C)/ Tx out pin (A,B)
    SPIWrite 00A,09 // Set BBPLL post divide rate

    // Setup the Parallel Port (Digital Data Interface)
    SPIWrite 010,C8 // I/O Config.  Tx Swap IQ; Rx Swap IQ; Tx CH Swap, Rx CH Swap; Rx Frame Mode; 2R2T bit; Invert data bus; Invert DATA_CLK
    SPIWrite 011,00 // I/O Config.  Alt Word Order; -Rx1; -Rx2; -Tx1; -Tx2; Invert Rx Frame; Delay Rx Data
    SPIWrite 012,02 // I/O Config.  Rx=2*Tx; Swap Ports; SDR; LVDS; Half Duplex; Single Port; Full Port; Swap Bits
    SPIWrite 006,00 // PPORT Rx Delay (adjusts Tco Dataclk->Data)
    SPIWrite 007,00 // PPORT TX Delay (adjusts setup/hold FBCLK->Data)

    // Setup RF PLL non-frequency-dependent registers
    SPIWrite 261,00 // Set Rx LO Power mode
    SPIWrite 2A1,00 // Set Tx LO Power mode
    SPIWrite 248,0B // Enable Rx VCO LDO
    SPIWrite 288,0B // Enable Tx VCO LDO
    SPIWrite 246,02 // Set VCO Power down TCF bits
    SPIWrite 286,02 // Set VCO Power down TCF bits
    SPIWrite 249,8E // Set VCO cal length
    SPIWrite 289,8E // Set VCO cal length
    SPIWrite 23B,80 // Enable Rx VCO cal
    SPIWrite 27B,80 // Enable Tx VCO cal
    SPIWrite 243,0D // Set Rx prescaler bias
    SPIWrite 283,0D // Set Tx prescaler bias
    SPIWrite 23D,00 // Clear Half VCO cal clock setting
    SPIWrite 27D,00 // Clear Half VCO cal clock setting

    SPIWrite 015,0C // Set Dual Synth mode bit
    SPIWrite 014,15 // Set Force ALERT State bit
    SPIWrite 013,01 // Set ENSM FDD mode
    WAIT 1 // waits 1 ms

    SPIWrite 23D,04 // Start RX CP cal
    WAIT_CALDONE RXCP,100 // Wait for CP cal to complete, Max RXCP Cal time: 460.800 (us)(Done when 0x244[7]==1)

    SPIWrite 27D,04 // Start TX CP cal
    WAIT_CALDONE TXCP,100 // Wait for CP cal to complete, Max TXCP Cal time: 460.800 (us)(Done when 0x284[7]==1)

    SPIWrite 23D,00 // Disable RX CP Calibration since the CP Cal start bit is not self-clearing.  Only important if the script is run again without restting the DUT
    SPIWrite 27D,00 // Disable TX CP Calibration since the CP Cal start bit is not self-clearing.  Only important if the script is run again without restting the DUT
    // FDD RX,TX Synth Frequency: 100.000000,100.000000 MHz
    // Setup Rx Frequency-Dependent Syntheisizer Registers
    SPIWrite 23A,4A // Set VCO Output level[3:0]
    SPIWrite 239,C3 // Set Init ALC Value[3:0] and VCO Varactor[3:0]
    SPIWrite 242,1F // Set VCO Bias Tcf[1:0] and VCO Bias Ref[2:0]
    SPIWrite 238,78 // Set VCO Cal Offset[3:0]
    SPIWrite 245,00 // Set VCO Cal Ref Tcf[2:0]
    SPIWrite 251,0C // Set VCO Varactor Reference[3:0]
    SPIWrite 250,70 // Set VCO Varactor Ref Tcf[2:0] and VCO Varactor Offset[3:0]
    SPIWrite 23B,92 // Set Synth Loop Filter charge pump current (Icp)
    SPIWrite 23E,D4 // Set Synth Loop Filter C2 and C1
    SPIWrite 23F,DF // Set Synth Loop Filter  R1 and C3
    SPIWrite 240,09 // Set Synth Loop Filter R3

    // Setup Tx Frequency-Dependent Syntheisizer Registers
    SPIWrite 27A,4A // Set VCO Output level[3:0]
    SPIWrite 279,C3 // Set Init ALC Value[3:0] and VCO Varactor[3:0]
    SPIWrite 282,1F // Set VCO Bias Tcf[1:0] and VCO Bias Ref[2:0]
    SPIWrite 278,78 // Set VCO Cal Offset[3:0]
    SPIWrite 285,00 // Set VCO Cal Ref Tcf[2:0]
    SPIWrite 291,0C // Set VCO Varactor Reference[3:0]
    SPIWrite 290,70 // Set VCO Varactor Ref Tcf[2:0] and VCO Varactor Offset[3:0]
    SPIWrite 27B,92 // Set Synth Loop Filter charge pump current (Icp)
    SPIWrite 27E,D4 // Set Synth Loop Filter C2 and C1
    SPIWrite 27F,DF // Set Synth Loop Filter  R1 and C3
    SPIWrite 280,09 // Set Synth Loop Filter R3

    // Write Rx and Tx Frequency Words
    SPIWrite 233,00 // Write Rx Synth Fractional Freq Word[7:0]
    SPIWrite 234,00 // Write Rx Synth Fractional Freq Word[15:8]
    SPIWrite 235,00 // Write Rx Synth Fractional Freq Word[22:16]
    SPIWrite 232,00 // Write Rx Synth Integer Freq Word[10:8]
    SPIWrite 231,50 // Write Rx Synth Integer Freq Word[7:0]
    SPIWrite 005,55 // Set LO divider setting
    SPIWrite 273,00 // Write Tx Synth Fractional Freq Word[7:0]
    SPIWrite 274,00 // Write Tx Synth Fractional Freq Word[15:8]
    SPIWrite 275,00 // Write Tx Synth Fractional Freq Word[22:16]
    SPIWrite 272,00 // Write Tx Synth Integer Freq Word[10:8]
    SPIWrite 271,50 // Write Tx Synth Integer Freq Word[7:0] (starts VCO cal)
    SPIWrite 005,55 // Set LO divider setting
    SPIRead 247 // Check RX RF PLL lock status (0x247[1]==1 is locked)
    SPIRead 287 // Check TX RF PLL lock status (0x287[1]==1 is locked)

  • 您好,我想问下,TXCP和RXCP校准不应该是在ALERT状态下完成嘛?那为什么SPIWrite 014,15 // Set Force ALERT State bit
    SPIWrite 013,01 // Set ENSM FDD mode,要把 ENSM设为FDD模式

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