我们的设备使用内部电池作为备用电源,使用LTC4091作为充放电管理芯片。备用设备放置时间长后电池会有过放的现象,有些设备通过多次trickle charge能够正常恢复到充满,也有一部分存在问题。现象如下:电池充电到2V左右,充电指示引脚接的LED一直点亮状态下电池电压越来越低。多次测试现象依旧,但是拆机后使用电池充放电专用设备依旧能够正常充电,使用其他电池测试电路板也正常。请问导致这种现象的原因可能是?
我们的设备使用内部电池作为备用电源,使用LTC4091作为充放电管理芯片。备用设备放置时间长后电池会有过放的现象,有些设备通过多次trickle charge能够正常恢复到充满,也有一部分存在问题。现象如下:电池充电到2V左右,充电指示引脚接的LED一直点亮状态下电池电压越来越低。多次测试现象依旧,但是拆机后使用电池充放电专用设备依旧能够正常充电,使用其他电池测试电路板也正常。请问导致这种现象的原因可能是?
At the beginning of a charge cycle, if the battery voltage is low (below 2.9V) the charger goes into trickle charge reducingthechargecurrentto 10% ofthefull-scalecurrent. If the low battery voltage persists for one quarter of the total charge time, the battery is assumed to be defective, the charge cycle is terminated and the CHRG pin output assumes a high impedance state. If for any reason the battery voltage rises above ~2.9V the charge cycle will be restarted. To restart the charge cycle (i.e., when the dead battery is replaced with a discharged battery), simply remove the input voltage and reapply it or cycle the TIMER pin to 0V. Connecting the TIMER pin to ground disables the battery charger
At the beginning of a charge cycle, if the battery voltage is low (below 2.9V) the charger goes into trickle charge reducingthechargecurrentto 10% ofthefull-scalecurrent. If the low battery voltage persists for one quarter of the total charge time, the battery is assumed to be defective, the charge cycle is terminated and the CHRG pin output assumes a high impedance state. If for any reason the battery voltage rises above ~2.9V the charge cycle will be restarted. To restart the charge cycle (i.e., when the dead battery is replaced with a discharged battery), simply remove the input voltage and reapply it or cycle the TIMER pin to 0V. Connecting the TIMER pin to ground disables the battery charger