典型电路抄的是LT3752与LT8311的典型电路,https://www.analog.com/cn/products/lt8311.html, 自己拟定的输入为18-36V,输出为12V,匝比为3.25:4,现发现空载和轻载时候次级的同步整流CG驱动波形提前关断,输入在空载或者轻载的时候占空比比预计的小很多,负载增大后占空比和次级的CG驱动波形正常,不知道怎么解决。
典型电路抄的是LT3752与LT8311的典型电路,https://www.analog.com/cn/products/lt8311.html, 自己拟定的输入为18-36V,输出为12V,匝比为3.25:4,现发现空载和轻载时候次级的同步整流CG驱动波形提前关断,输入在空载或者轻载的时候占空比比预计的小很多,负载增大后占空比和次级的CG驱动波形正常,不知道怎么解决。
The front page of the datasheet says:
"In preactive mode, the output inductor current
operates in discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) at
light load. If forced continuous mode (FCM) operation is
desired at light load, the LT8311 can, alternatively, be used
in SYNC mode"
What you described is normal for DCM operation for a switching mode power supply (Please see page 18 of the datasheet).
If you prefer the FCM at light or no load, you can refer to this design.
The front page of the datasheet says:
"In preactive mode, the output inductor current
operates in discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) at
light load. If forced continuous mode (FCM) operation is
desired at light load, the LT8311 can, alternatively, be used
in SYNC mode"
What you described is normal for DCM operation for a switching mode power supply (Please see page 18 of the datasheet).
If you prefer the FCM at light or no load, you can refer to this design.
我加了脉冲变压器,但是在轻载和空载的时候还是工作在间隙模式,https://www.analog.com/media/en/technical-documentation/eval-board-schematic/DC2175A-3-SCH.PDF, 大概和这个图差不多,只不过我没用T3,直接用的输出电压给LT8311的Vin供电,PMODE引脚和INTVCC引脚也直接连接的Vin,不知道这会有啥影响