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ADXL701在整个温度范围内提供高于±500 mg的偏置稳定性以及高于5%的灵敏度稳定性。 ADXL701设计采用可选的−3 dB滤波器转折频率,可满足各种应用,2 kHz的输出数据速率可对加速度信息进行充分过采样。


  • 高性能、z轴数字输出加速度计
  • 满量程范围:±14.2 g(16位分辨率,0.434 mg/LSB)
  • 输出采样速率:2 kHz(带可选数字FIFO)
  • 可编程滤波器响应
    • 20 Hz、46 Hz、92 Hz、184 Hz
  • 连续机电自测
    • 额外的键启动和按需自测程序
  • Z轴偏移调整
  • 低静态功耗
  • 高线性度性能
  • 通过汽车应用认证
  • 温度范围:−40°C至+105°C



AD7124-8是一款适合高精度测量应用的低功耗、低噪声、完整模拟前端。 该器件内置一个低噪声24位Σ-Δ型ADC,可配置为提供8个差分输入或15个单端或伪差分输入。 片内低噪声级确保ADC中可直接输入小信号。

AD7124-8的主要优势之一是用户可灵活使用三种集成功率模式。 功耗、输出数据速率范围和均方根噪声可通过所选功率模式进行定制。 该器件还提供多个滤波器选项,确保为用户带来最大的灵活性。


  • 三种功率模式
  • 均方根(RMS)噪声:
    • 低功耗: 24 nV rms(1.17 SPS),增益=128(典型值:255 uA)
    • 中功率: 20 nV rms(2.34 SPS),增益=128(典型值:355 uA)
    • 全功率: 23 nV rms(9.4 SPS),增益=128(典型值:930 uA)
  • 在所有功率模式下,高达22位无噪声(增益=1)
  • 输出数据速率(已建立):
    • 全功率: 9.38 SPS至19,200 SPS
    • 中功率: 2.34 SPS至4800 SPS
    • 低功率: 1.17 SPS至2400 SPS
  • 轨到轨模拟输入(增益大于1)
  • 50 Hz/60 Hz同时抑制(25 SPS,单周期建立)
  • 诊断功能(有助于SIL认证)
  • 交叉点多路模拟输入
    • 8个差分/15个伪差分输入
  • 可编程增益(1至128)
  • 带隙基准电压源,漂移最大值为15 ppm/°C (65 uA)
  • 可编程匹配激励电流
  • 内部时钟振荡器
  • 片内偏置电压发生器
  • 低端功率开关


HMC554——GaAs monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC)

The HMC554 devices are passive (HMC554) and general purpose (HMC554LC3B) double-balanced mixers that are available in a chip (HMC554) and a leadless RoHS compliant SMT package (HMC554LC3B), both of which can be used as an upconverter or downconverter between 11 GHz and 20 GHz. These mixers are fabricated in a GaAs metal semiconductor field effect transistor (MESFET) process, and require no external components or matching circuitry. The HMC554G devices provide excellent LO to RF and LO to IF isolation due to optimized balun structures. Measurements were made with the HMC554 chip mounted into in a 50 Ω test fixture and includes the parasitic effects of wire bond assembly. Connections were made with a 1 mil wire bond with minimal length (<12 mil). The RoHS compliant HMC554LC3B eliminates the need for wire bonding, and is compatible with high volume surface mount manufacturing techniques.


  • Point-to-point radios
  • Point-to-multipoint radios
  • Test equipment and sensors
  • Military end use
  • Microwave radio
  • Space
  • Communications, radar, and electronic warfare (EW)


HMC649——6-Bit Digital Phase Shifter Chip and SMT, 3 GHz to 6 GHz

The HMC649 is a 6-bit digital phase shifter die that is rated from 3 GHz to 6 GHz, providing 360 degrees of phase coverage, with an LSB of 5.625 degrees. The HMC649 features low RMS phase error of 3 degrees and extremely low insertion loss variation of ±0.5 dB across all phase states. This high accuracy phase shifter is controlled with positive control logic of 0/5 V. The HMC649 is housed in a compact 6 mm x 6 mm plastic leadless SMT package and is internally matched to 50 Ω with no external components.


  • Low RMS phase error: 3 degrees
  • Low insertion loss: 6.5 dB to 8 dB
  • High linearity: 44 dBm
  • Positive control logic
  • 360 degree coverage, LSB = 5.625 degrees
  • Die size: 4.5 mm x 1.9 mm x 0.1 mm
  • 28-lead QFN leadless SMT package: 36 mm²


HMC40x——RF Amplifier



The HMC400MS8(E) is a high dynamic range passive MMIC mixer in plastic surface mount 8 lead Mini Small Outline Package (MSOP) covering 1.7 to 2.2 GHz. Excellent input IP3 performance of +36 dBm for down conversion and +29 dBm for up conversion is provided for 2.5G & 3G GSM/CDMA based UMTS or PCS applications at an LO drive of +17dBm. With a 1dB compression of +21 dBm, the RF port will accept a wide range of input signal levels. Conversion loss is 8.5dB typical and LO isolations are maintained at 22 to 33 dB.


The HMC401QS16G(E) is a GaAs InGaP Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor (HBT) MMIC VCO. The HMC401QS16G(E) integrates a resonator, negative resistance device, varactor diode and a divide-by-8 prescaler. The VCO’s phase noise performance is excellent over temperature, shock, and process due to the oscillator’s monolithic structure. Power output is -7 dBm typical from a 5V supply voltage. The voltage controlled oscillator is packaged in a low cost, surface mount 16 leaded QSOP package with an exposed base for improved RF and thermal performance.


The HMC402MS8(E) is a high dynamic range passive MMIC mixers in plastic surface mount 8 lead Mini Small Outline Package (MSOP) covering 1.8 to 2.2 GHz. Excellent input IP3 performance of +31 dBm for down conversion and +27 dBm for up conversion is provided for 2.5G & 3G GSM/CDMA based UMTS or PCS applications at an LO drive of +17 dBm. With a 1dB compression of +21 dBm, the RF port will accept a wide range of input signal levels. Conversion loss is 8.5dB typical and LO isolations are maintained at 24 to 30 dB.


The HMC404 chip is a sub-harmonically pumped (x2) MMIC image rejection mixer with an integrated LO amplifier which can be used as an upconverter or downconverter. The chip utilizes a GaAs PHEMT technology that results in a small overall chip area of 2.31mm². The on-chip 90° hybrid provides excellent amplitude and phase balance resulting in greater than 22 dB of image rejection. The LO amplifier is a single bias (+4V) two stage design with only +2 dBm nominal drive required.


The HMC405 die is a GaAs InGaP Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor (HBT) Gain Block MMIC DC to 10 GHz amplifier. This amplifier can be used as either a cascadable 50 Ohm gain stage or to drive the LO of HMC mixers with up to +17 dBm output power. The HMC405 offers 16 dB of gain and an output IP3 of +32 dBm while requiring only 50 mA from a +5V supply.


The HMC406MS8G(E) is a high efficiency GaAs InGaP Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor (HBT) MMIC Power amplifier which operates between 5 and 6 GHz. The amplifier is packaged in a low cost, surface mount 8 leaded package with an exposed base for improved RF and thermal performance. With a minimum of external components, the amplifier provides 17 dB of gain and +29 dBm of saturated power at 38% PAE from a +5V supply voltage. Vpd can be used for full power down or RF output power/current control.


The HMC407MS8G(E) is a high efficiency GaAs InGaP Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor (HBT) MMIC Power amplifier which operates between 5 and 7 GHz. The amplifier requires no external matching to achieve operation and is thus truly 50 Ohm matched at input and output. The amplifier is packaged in a low cost, surface mount 8 leaded package with an exposed base for improved RF and thermal performance. The amplifier provides 15 dB of gain, +29 dBm of saturated power at 28% PAE from a +5V supply voltage. Power down capability is available to conserve current consumption when the amplifier is not in use.


The HMC408LP3(E) is a 5.1 - 5.9 GHz high efficiency GaAs InGaP Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor (HBT) Power Amplifier MMIC which offers +30 dBm P1dB. The amplifier provides 20 dB of gain, +32.5 dBm of saturated power, and 27% PAE from a +5V supply voltage. The input is internally matched to 50 Ohms while the output requires a minimum of external components. Vpd can be used for full power down or RF output power/current control. The amplifier is packaged in a low cost, 3x3 mm leadless surface mount package with an exposed base for improved RF and thermal performance.


The HMC409LP4(E) is a high efficiency GaAs InGaP HBT MMIC Power amplifier operating from 3.3 to 3.8 GHz. The amplifier is packaged in a low cost, leadless SMT package. Utilizing a minimum of external components the amplifier provides 31 dB of gain and +32.5 dBm of saturated power from a +5V supply voltage. The power control (Vpd) can be used for full power down or RF output power/current control. For +22 dBm OFDM output power (64 QAM, 54 Mbps), the HMC409LP4(E) achieves an error vector magnitude (EVM) of 2%, meeting WiMAX 802.16 linearity requirements.

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