ADXRS645,想了解如下问题: Vratio引脚电压(F2引脚),不是供电电压,手册中没有规定,看起来只是一个输出参考电压。 Vratio引脚在数据手册中推荐采用的是+5V电压,我能够用+2.5V的电压吗?
ADXRS645,想了解如下问题: Vratio引脚电压(F2引脚),不是供电电压,手册中没有规定,看起来只是一个输出参考电压。 Vratio引脚在数据手册中推荐采用的是+5V电压,我能够用+2.5V的电压吗?
“As far as the minimum V_Ratio level, the issue is at cold where device threshold voltages increase. At 2.5V Vratio, you’ll be just ok at ambient. Going cold, a stage that feeds the aforementioned Multiplier may drop out. The XRS645 was intended for downhole applications where high temperature is the norm. If this is the case, you’ll avoid going cold. But it all depends on the application. “
So it the customer is planning to use the part in a wide temp range I would stick with V_ratio = 5V.