I'm using the MAX31855 to measure temperature, and when close to the transformer of a switching power supply, a serious temperature error occurs, and I'd like to know how to avoid this interference caused.
I'm using the MAX31855 to measure temperature, and when close to the transformer of a switching power supply, a serious temperature error occurs, and I'd like to know how to avoid this interference caused.
Moved from Power Management to 接口和隔离专区 on Tuesday, November 21, 2023 12:24:43 AM by frank_huang
应在靠近MAX31855封装的位置,在T+和T-引脚之间安装10nF(最大值)陶瓷电容;在T+至GND以及T-至GND之间安装10nF去耦电容(最大值)。 与MAX31855评估板类似,可增加小磁珠或串联电阻(< 1000Ω),有助于滤波。然而,对于高频噪声(> 100MHz),MAX31855的ADC将产生较大失调的读数。
当然大面积铺铜也会有一些效果. 我上面提到的也比较重要, 您设计的时候可以先预留一下这些器件的位置. 到时候可以调试追加.