Vcm = 0.4V,REFCLK=120MHz,幅度680mV,8倍内插,PLL时钟2不能锁定,N1为4,N2为4,可能会是哪里的问题?reg08写成自动模式,读出数据为000000,始终不能锁定,会是哪里的问题?
Vcm = 0.4V,REFCLK=120MHz,幅度680mV,8倍内插,PLL时钟2不能锁定,N1为4,N2为4,可能会是哪里的问题?reg08写成自动模式,读出数据为000000,始终不能锁定,会是哪里的问题?
Hi xinxiang ,
Apologies for the missing your inquiry. Can you also try increasing the amplitude of your REFCLK to 1.6Vpp and see if the PLL locks? Also, please try setting the PLL Bias settings as indicated in Table 22 in Page 39 of the Rev C datasheet.
Best regards,
Hi xinxiang ,
Apologies for the missing your inquiry. Can you also try increasing the amplitude of your REFCLK to 1.6Vpp and see if the PLL locks? Also, please try setting the PLL Bias settings as indicated in Table 22 in Page 39 of the Rev C datasheet.
Best regards,