我最近在学习 对 7611 进行配置,想请问一下,这个官方给的 参考配置中 , 0x72 这部分的指令是 哪个子模块的映射功能,我在 ug180 中找不到 对应的 寄存器,,烦请指教,谢谢
72 01 00 ; Set N Value(6144)
72 02 18 ; Set N Value(6144)
72 03 00 ; Set N Value(6144)
72 15 00 ; Input 444 (RGB or YCrCb) with Separate Syncs, 44.1kHz fs
72 16 70 ; Output format 444, 24-bit input
72 18 46 ; CSC disabled
72 40 80 ; General Control packet enable
72 41 10 ; Power down control
72 48 08 ; Data right justified
72 49 A8 ; Set Dither_mode - 12-to-10 bit
72 4C 00 ; 8 bit Output
72 55 40 ; Set YCrCb 444 in AVinfo Frame
72 56 08 ; Set active format Aspect
72 96 20 ; HPD Interrupt clear
72 98 03 ; ADI Recommended Write
72 99 02 ; ADI Recommended Write
72 9C 30 ; PLL Filter R1 Value
72 9D 61 ; Set clock divide
72 A2 A4 ; ADI Recommended Write
72 A3 A4 ; ADI Recommended Write
72 A5 04 ; ADI Recommended Write
72 AB 40 ; ADI Recommended Write
72 AF 16 ; Set HDMI Mode
72 BA 60 ; No clock delay
72 D1 FF ; ADI Recommended Write
72 DE D8 ; ADI Recommended Write
72 E4 60 ; VCO_Swing_Reference_Voltage
72 FA 7D ; Nbr of times to search for good phase