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Management of pulse signal with very low duty cycle and phase shift

Category: Hardware
Product Number: AD9508


I have a square pulse signal that has a frequency of around 1kHz and a duty cycle <1% (to set some numbers, the high level time can be few microseconds over a period of 1ms), and I need to generate 4 different signals starting from this one that has a light delay among each other (fraction of nanosecond).
My interest is in shifting the positive pulse of this tiny amount among the 4 output signals.

I was interested in trying the evaluation board and I downloaded the software to keep an eye on it before purchasing the board. By adjusting the input signal RefIn to 1kHz I can only introduce a phase shift proportional to this frequency and I can reach a minimum of 500us. Also, as indicated in the datasheet page 24, it is stated that the phase delay achievable is coarse, in fact only shifts of half of a period of the input signal can be introduced as delay.

Is it possible to achieve a resolution below the nanosecond over a period of 1 ms with this method? Or it is only possible starting from a higher frequency input signal?

As an alternative, I was looking at the DS1023-25, but I would need 4 of them since I need 4 delayed signals.

Thank you for the support!
