I intend to test the timing deviation output of the AD9545 evaluation board with a 1 PPS input and a 10 MHz output.
Are there standard operating procedures for using the AD9545 ACE plug-in given a desired input frequency and desired output frequency? Considering my lack of experience in the field, I have not had much success deciphering the datasheet and user guide found here: AD9545 Evaluation Board User Guide [Analog Devices Wiki].
I was able to get the cso file - found on this forum post: AD9545 IN:10MHz External OUT:122.88MHz - Q&A - Clock and Timing - EngineerZone - working on the evaluation board. But naively modifying the configuration wizard parameters did not seem to work.
Is it possible to receive explicit instructions for setting up the AD9545 evaluation board with a 1 PPS input and a 10 MHz output?