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Cypress FX2LP Firmware

Category: Software
Product Number: AD9528


We want to use the AD9528 Eval board to generate clocks. Does the board save the configuration after shutdown? If not, could we get the firmware that runs in the cypress CY7C68013A-56PVXC of the board in order to modify it so that it keeps the same configuration.

Tanks for any help!

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  • HI,

    here is a list of the legacy ADI clocking ICs that have internal EEPROM:

    - AD9520-0,...,-5



    -AD9547 and AD9548

    AD9574 and AD9576 have pins that could be used to select certain configurations.

    AD9542, ..., AD9546, AD9554, AD9557, AD9558, AD9559 can upload/download their configurations from external EEPROM.
