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PLL2 is not locking

Category: Hardware
Product Number: AD9523-1


I am working on AD9523-1 customized board. in this new board, I'm having issue i.e. PLL2 is not getting locked. inputs that we are providing are REF A is 100 MHz, REF B is 10 MHz and VCXO input is 100 MHz. and the responses I'm getting are

at 0x22C - 0xE9, at 0x22D - 0x04, at 0x230 - 0x00, at 0x231 - 0x01, at 0x232 - 0x0D. and register map file giving to AD9523 is as follows:

"AD9523 Regmap File"

kindly help me in resolving this issue.

  • Hi,

    you say you want to configure the AD9523-1 to work with a VCXO=100MHz. Yet, the file you sent shows a VCXO=122.88MHz.

    Then the PLL2 was not configured correctly because it has a value lower than the min PLL2 VCO specification.

    Please tell me what output frequencies you need and I'll create a configuration for you. I already responded to you here:

     RE: How to set output frequency as 156.25 MHz ? 

    that the AD9523-1 cannot create 156.25MHz clocks.


  • Hello,

    In one of the AD9523-1 board, if I select REF A input "0XEC" is the response from 0x22C register and from REF B  input "0xED" is the response from 0x22C register. I cant see the input signals accordingly  at REF A source and REF B source. I'm unable to find the problem that why these PLLs are not locking. 

  • Hello Petre,

    I obtained my text file from AD9523-1 Evaluation software. I'm trying in this way i.e view->debug window->load register map for loading the text file, view->debug window->save register map for getting the configuration that I set in the software in text format. and I compared your stp file with my text file and yes, both are different. now, we are also using REF A 100 MHz input and the schematic is as follows. based on the schematic would you please tell me what configuration can I set to REF A input(i.e single ended or differential etc,.)

    and to this board PLL2 is not locking with REF B input,what modifications can I do for PLL2 gets locked.

  • Hi,

    Thanks for the tip. I was able to load the register values you sent. Next time, please save the configuration from File, Save Setup function. and send it to me.

    These are my comments about the configuration and schematic (which is not very clear. If you could send a more accurate, photo, it would be better):

    - the PLL2 charge pump current is too small at 24.5 uA. I recommend to bring that current up to at least 882.0 uA. Disable the anti-backlash period.

    - If REFA=100 MHz, then set the REFA=40.

    - VCXO is set for the negative SE input, but the schematic shows the OSC_IN pin ac coupled to a VCXO pin. You need to take that pin and ac couple it to ground. Measure the clock at OSC_IN\ pin to verify it is a 3.3V CMOS clock.

    Let's see if you can get the PLL2 to lock. I cannot verify the configuration because I do not have a board with VCXO=100MHz. I have one with VCXO=122.88MHz, and your configuration makes the PLL2 VCO to be out of range.


  • Hello,

    I tried in 2 different ways. 

    the PLL2 charge pump current is too small at 24.5 uA. I recommend to bring that current up to at least 882.0 uA. Disable the anti-backlash period.

    I tried with these software changes, without grounding the OSC_IN pin, then both the PLLs got locked once and again came back to only PLL1 locking state.

    later I grounded OSC_IN PIN, then PLL2 is not locking even for once.

    Here is the schematic PDF like this, but R15,R17,C19,R26 and C26 components were not mounted.

    And configuration I kept(i.e. Ref_A_Ref_Bconfiguration.txt) is working with one board but not with the other board. so, I'm doubting on the hardware but I can't find the issue.  

  • HI,

    you cannot leave the pin 9, OSC_IN floating. Please send me the Y2 data sheet to take a look. How is it possible that on the other board, PLL2 locks and on this one does not? 


  • Hello,

    PDF here is the data sheet of Y2. I'm using OSC_IN negative single ended. so, would you please tell me how can I connect OSC_IN positive pin without leaving floating?, such that PLL2 would locks.

  • Hi,

    Let's suppose the Crystek OUT pin 3 corresponds to pin 4 of Y2 on your schematic:

    - R23=0hm should be populated. This means the VCXO output goes to pin 10, OSC_IN\. So in the eval software, you should check the box about Enable VCXO Negative SE Input Receiver.

    - do not install R26=50ohm because 50ohm is a bad load for a 3.3V CMOS clock

    - install C19=0.1uF, R17 with a 0ohm resistor, R15 with a 0ohm resistor, so pin 9, OSC_IN is connected to GND through a capacitor.


  • Hello,

    I tried with the changes you have suggested in software and also in hardware, still the response is "E9" i.e. (PLL2 is not locking). what else can I?

  • and Is there any register or GUI to read the status that why the PLL2 is not locking. does it lost its feedback or input signal ?

  • Hi,

    I do believe that at this point, you should change your board with a different one and see if the behavior repeats.

    The readback registers 0x22C and 0x22D are the registers that the AD9523-1 has to provide status.


  • Hello Petre,

    I am having total 4 customized AD9523 boards, among those one is perfectly working(lets say board 1) and remaining 3 boards(lets say board 2,3,4) are giving same response as "E9" for REF B input. I tried in this way i.e. input signal (from Y1) from board1 fed to input of board2  still the response is "E9". later I interchanged crystal oscillators at Y2 in both(1,2) the boards. Then board 1 is working fine, still board2 gave response as "E9" from 0x22C register.

  • Hello Petre,

    I am having total 4 customized AD9523 boards, among those one is perfectly working(lets say board 1) and remaining 3 boards(lets say board 2,3,4) are giving same response as "E9" for REF B input. I tried in this way i.e. input signal (from Y1) from board1 fed to input of board2  still the response is "E9". later I interchanged crystal oscillators at Y2 in both(1,2) the boards. Then board 1 is working fine, still board2 gave response as "E9" from 0x22C register.
