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ad9516-4 has worng self-bias voltage of about 0.8V when it should be ~1.5V

Hi, I'm having AD9516-4 with input ref clock 100MHz differential, the input ref clock is not detected inside AD9516-4(Observed form configuring REFMON to R-divider output and the result is constant LOW), I'm having another AD9516-3 which has the same input ref clk(a TI cdclv1204 lvds buffer output ref clk to each AD9516, AC-coupled with 0.1uF cap) and it works alright for AD9516-3(Observed form configuring REFMON to R-divider output and the result is a positive pulse of 100MHz / R_divide_value period), and AD9516-3 PLL is LOCK(though VCO clk phase noise is not good enough)

While checking hardware I find AD9516-4 self-bias voltage on input ref clk(probe of oscilloscope is on ad9516 side of AC-coupling capacitor) is only ~0.8V, according to datasheet it should be about 1.3V to 1.7V, I also measure AD9516-3 the self-bias voltage is 1.5V/1.6V on p/n side and this is right in accordance with the description of datesheet.During testing AD9516-3 I also find when removing input ref clk, the self-bias voltage the drops from 1.5V to GND, when input ref clk is valid again the self-bias voltage remains about 0V and does not go back to 1.5V, and the PLL/VCO does not lock again, unless I reconfigure AD9516 through FPGA.

I have the following 2 questions,

1. Is my AD9516-4 0.8V self-bias voltage mean this AD9516-4 IC chip is damaged(not correctly functioning)? Or do you have some advices on how to debug this prolem(the input ref clock is not detected inside AD9516-4). Though the SPI interface seems functioning alright.

2. Why the self-bias voltage the drops from 1.5V to GND when removing input ref clk, and why it does not go back to 1.5V when input ref clk is valid again?

Thanks a lot

  • Also, a TI cdclv1204 lvds buffer output ref clk to each AD9516, AC-coupled with 0.1uF cap, AFTER 0.1uF capacitors there is no 100-ohm termination-resistor between pin64/63(differential ref input pin) of AD9516, I think the 100ohm resistor is not needed according to schematic on Figure 49. REFIN Equivalent Circuit form AD9516 datasheet. I also tried with 100ohm resistor on and it dosen't work properly for AD9516-3 so 100-ohm is NOT NEEDED afterall, am I right?

  • Hi,

    "During testing AD9516-3 I also find when removing input ref clk, the self-bias voltage the drops from 1.5V to GND, when input ref clk is valid again the self-bias voltage remains about 0V and does not go back to 1.5V, and the PLL/VCO does not lock again, unless I reconfigure AD9516 through FPGA."

    If you want to test what happens to the AD9516 when the reference clock becomes invalid, please simply turn the reference clock off, that is turn the clock into a 0V signal. Please do not mechanically remove the clock and expect the AD9516 to behave according to a script (that is according to figure 53, page 37, AD9516-3 rev C data sheet). 

    ". Is my AD9516-4 0.8V self-bias voltage mean this AD9516-4 IC chip is damaged(not correctly functioning)? Or do you have some advices on how to debug this prolem(the input ref clock is not detected inside AD9516-4). Though the SPI interface seems functioning alright."

    Because the same clock is considered valid by the AD9516-3, and the self bias voltage is not correct, I suppose the chip has been damaged. Please replace it and see if the situation keeps happening. 

     "Why the self-bias voltage the drops from 1.5V to GND when removing input ref clk, and why it does not go back to 1.5V when input ref clk is valid again?"

    Again, please do not physically remove the clock. This is not a situation that happens in real life when an AD9516 is populated on a board. 

    " I think the 100ohm resistor is not needed according to schematic on Figure 49. REFIN Equivalent Circuit form AD9516 datasheet. I also tried with 100ohm resistor on and it dosen't work properly for AD9516-3 so 100-ohm is NOT NEEDED afterall, am I right?"

    I do not believe you are right. Nowhere in the data sheet it is written that if the reference clock is LVDS, one could avoid using a load resistor. The cdclv1204 data sheet requires 100ohm load on its LVDS outputs, so you should place a 100ohm load after the ac coupling capacitors, like in figure 11, page 11, cdclv1204 data sheet. The cdclv1204  LVDS specifies 250mV to 450mV output voltage magnitude (i.e. 500mVp-p to 900mVp-p)  which works well with the AD9516-3 that requires typical 250mVp-p ac coupled input.

    You say that adding a 100 ohm makes the AD9516-3 to not work properly. Please measure the voltage across this resistor and see if the magnitude is according to the cdclv1204 data sheet. This chip may have also been affected by your testing.


  • Hi, Just now I placed 100ohm resistor on and ad9516-3 works fine, the input ref is valid. Guess I made a mistaken measure before.

    The Vp-p with and without 100ohm resistor is ~300mV and ~650mV seprately. Both works fine for ad9516-3, I gusee the reason why Vpp ~300mV is smaller than 500mVp-p to 900mVp-p as cdclv1204 datasheet described is because with both outside 100ohm load resistor and ad9516 internal load resistor paralled it made overall resistance smaller than 100ohm seen from cdclv1204. Anyway ~300mV Vpp is acceptble for AD9516-3. So this Q&A should be considered solved.

    Sincerely Thanks.