Hi and thank you in advance for your help.
I have an AD5522EBUZ evaluation board that works well with the software. I'm trying to connect my own MCU to the J3 connector pins with SPI communication to control the AD5522. The commands I send don't seem to make it work.
Here are my connections:
MCU ==> AD5522 J3 connector
MOSI ==> SDI (pin17)
MISO ==> SDO (pin16)
CLK ==> SCLK (pin18)
SYNC ==> SYNCB (pin15)
GND ==> GND (pin30)
DVCC = 3.3VDC like my MCU.
Then I moved the jumpers as shown in table 1 of the Wiki except LK3 to use the reset button.
Afterwards, I analyzed the SPI frames when I use the software included with the dev kit. Could you tell me where I can find the frames to send at startup and the order?
AD5522 frame at startup (I was able to replicate the same SPI messages with my MCU):
0x03FE4A0 (2 times in a row, information in the wiki)
0x18000 (6 times in a row)
0xCD8000 (1 time)
0x0 (1 time)
0x2000 (1 time)
0x1A000 (2 times in a row)
0x03FE4A0 (3 times in a row, information in the wiki)
0x0F21B300 (1 time, information in the wiki)
To generate an output voltage, the SPI frames are for example:
0x0FCDFFF = 11.25VDC This works with the software but not with my MCU (although I have the same type of signals)
What I can't explain is that the MOSI signal I send replicates to MISO, even if the MISO of my MCU is not connected. Are there any other jumpers to change places?
Here is a photo of the jumpers if that helps find the source of my problem
Thanks for your help.