I designed and made a PCB board referring to the evaluation board of AD5522.
I confirmed the operation of the internal range and external ±80 mA range.
There is only one thing that does not work, which is connecting the external circuit for adding ±500 mA range and verifying its operation.
It does not work as intended.
I connected the circuit according to Figure 47 of the AD5522 data sheet, so that the OP AMP (current 1.0 A) operates as a follower.
The ±500 mA range resistor is connected to 2 Ohm.
And I set the PMU REGISTER bit name FORCE1/FORCE0 = 00, bit name C2/C1/C0 = 110.
But neither FV nor FI mode works, so please check the circuit connection and setting problems.
I attach the related circuit schematic as below.