Using the MAX32010 evaluation board, I checked the current limit operation when operating in FV mode.
With 100Ω as load
・CLH=0.5V, CLL=-0.5V
・CLH=1.5V, CLL=-1.5V
・CLH=1.8V, CLL=-1.8V
and gradually increased the VIN voltage.
The current limit is effective, but it deviates considerably from the set value.
(Because of the 100Ω load, it was 0.28V when CLH=0.5, about 0.76V when CLH=1.5V, and about 0.9V when CLH=1.8V.)
What can be the reason for the discrepancy?
(The image shows the 200μA range, but the measurement was performed in the 20mA range.)
The image shows the 200μA range, but the measurement was performed in the 20mA range.
[edited by: UBOTI at 11:26 AM (GMT -4) on 30 Jun 2023]