My team and I recently purchased an EVAL-AD1938AZ board and we are having trouble connecting it to our DSP.
Our DSP is the MCHStreamer from miniDSP. The goal right now is to have an analog signal as an input to the EVAL-AD1938 via one of the 3.5mm audio jacks and then have the converted digital signal sent to a PC via the MCHStreamer.
Right now, every time we try to write to the EVAL-AD1938AZ using the SigmaStudio software, it seems as if the write was successful, but then when we pull the current settings from the board, it seems to have reverted back to its default state.
Does this behavior sound correct or when we get the current state of the board should we be able to see the same values that we wrote to the board?
As far as we can tell we have the EVAL-AD1938 configured the way we would need it to be in order for the MCHStreamer to be in control of the MCLK and the AD1938 to be the receiver of the MCHStreamer's MCLK, but we aren't getting any audio from the ADC output.
Thanks for any input.