I am trying to change the sample rate from 48khz to 96khz, i use CODEC AD1938 on EVAL ADAU1452, it was working at sample rate 48khz stand alone mode, reading pdf EVAL-ADAU1452REVBZ-UG-1662 i made modifications to the board according instructions (page 26 to 33).
After doing the rework on EVAL ADUSB2Z board and on EVAL ADA1452 this i was able to read setting on CODEC AD1938, i assume this means the fix is allowing communication between sigma studio and AD1938.
I have read RE: Different sample rates , tried it and didn't work
I followed these instructions, it didn't work for me. Changing the Hardware sample rate on EVAL-ADAU1452REVBZ
On the next link i couldn't find ADAU1452, https://ez.analog.com/dsp/sigmadsp/w/documents/5214/how-do-i-change-the-sample-rate-of-my-sigmastudio-system, so i only followed partial (setting fs and all the object to 96khz).
After trying to set to 96khz i tried to set to 48khz, its not working, please share more information and schematic connection, maybe its not only software my problem.