Is it possible for someone to check my ADAU1962 circuit please?
I'm at the prototyping stage and the first time I powered up the board, pin 49 (AVDD1) burnt out then basically just melted. I replaced the ic and then pin 25 (VSUPPLY) did the same. Strange behaviour that I've not seen before.
I've verified the 5V and 3.3V power supplies are at the correct voltage, there were no untoward shorts after soldering/prior to start up and I'm certain the part orientation was correct. I've checked the schematic again and can't see any problems but something has to be wrong somewhere and I've no idea what.
I've attached a screenshot of the relevant part of my schematic in the hopes that someone more experienced can see if there's any issues there, or at least verify that it is fine, please.
Many thanks.