Hello to every one, I hope you doing well.
I have a misunderstanding about Mic and Line level input. As I know Mic level is too small and need a pre amp stage. I see that some codecs have PGA block.Now my first question is that is this block for boosting Mic signals and if we use this block we will not need additional circuits like mic preamp ic?
Next one is about Line level input...As I know Line level is greater that Mic level. my second question is that AD1937 has a Full-Scale Input Voltage max at 1.9 Vrms, so can we connect a line level input to its ADCs inputs? in some audio interfaces there is a selector for 0dbfs selection and we can choose +18dbu or +24dbu.Now as third queston, if we want connect a +24dbu line input to our circuit surly we need to a circuit to reduce signal level and vice versa for +24dbu output again we will need to a circuit to boost our output signal level, Am I right?if yes, my fourth question is about that circuits. Is there any reference for designing that input or output circuit? I'm using AD1937.
Thanks for your time.\