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ADAU1467 how to configure ADCs and DACs via SPI and I2C?

Category: Hardware
Product Number: ADAU1467

Hello support team.

I'm using the ADAU1467 DSP and I need to configure two AD1933 DACs and three ADAU1979 ADCs.

The schematic diagram of the DSP connection with the two DACs and the three ADCs is shown in the figure below.

The two DACs are connected to the SPI master port of the ADAU1467, I am using the MP6 and MP7 pins as chip selects.

The three ADCs are connected to the ADAU1467 master I2C2 port, with different addresses:
ADC1_ADDR = 0x22 WR, 0x23 RD;
ADC2_ADDR = 0x62 WR, 0x63 RD;
ADC3_ADDR = 0xA2 WR, 0xA3 RD.

I saw that the DAC ADAU1979 is not present in the list of devices compatible with the Sigma Studio. Therefore, I think it is not possible to use the capture window method to create the XML configuration file.

First question: How can I create the configuration file for ADAU1979?

Second question: The configuration of the ADCs and DACs will be done one at a time, can I use both SPI and I2C interfaces for this purpose, activating the SECONDARY_I2C_ENBL bit in register 0xF5F0?

If I'm not abusing it, could you provide me with an example project containing these initializations.

Best Regards.

  • Hello Takahashi,

    I saw that the DAC ADAU1979 is not present in the list of devices compatible with the Sigma Studio

    You can find ADAU1977's DLL in the sigma studio, so you can use the same for ADAU1979, Registers are the same. few additional registers will be there in one of the chips but that doesn't affect the existing registers between these two chips. So, you can use it without a problem.

    First question: How can I create the configuration file for ADAU1979?

    You can use ADAU1977 in SS and export the xml file using capture window and use it in your schematic.

    The configuration of the ADCs and DACs will be done one at a time, can I use both SPI and I2C interfaces for this purpose, activating the SECONDARY_I2C_ENBL bit in register 0xF5F0?

    I edited a little. I will explain to you in a better way with a detailed reply.

    The attached project allows both protocols to be configured but not at a same time. I often use this project to self-boot from an EEPROM (SPI) and config the CODEC (I2C) in our eval board.

    In self-booting phase, this register is disabled (SPI pins) and using this SPI pins the self-boot will happen. Once the entire program is loaded in the DSP RAM and DSP starts executing the program, we will write '1' to the register and enable the secondary I2C port it in the schematic which is placed in the left top corner of the schematic page, the compiler will run it first and then go for other blocks. Now the sec I2C port is enabled and triggering the master control port will send the I2C commands to the CODEC and the codec will be programmed.

    If you write this attached project to the EEPROM and self-boot it, it will self-boot from an EEPROM by using SPI and once the program starts running it will program the codec by using I2C.

    SigmaDSP Programming CODEC via I2C to 192

    Have a look at boot time master control port here which sends SPI/I2C commands prior to the audio processing. This is typically used to program the converters. Hope this will give you an idea.



  • Thank you very much for your feedback.

    When you say that you cannot use both protocols at the same time, because the pins are multiplexed, another question arose for me.
    According to the ADAU1467 datasheet, see text highlighted in figure 1, when selecting SECONDARY_I2C_ENBL = 1, this causes the I2C_MASTER port to be on pins MP24 and MP25, leaving the MP2 and MP3 pins exclusive to the SPI_MASTER port.
    This way, it becomes possible to use both SPI_MASTER and I2C_MASTER ports as long as they are used one at a time.
    In figure 2 I want to know if this is how to configure the CODECs. I didn't find detailed documentation of the "Master Control Port IO Ext. Trigger" component. I noticed that this component has two pins:
    pin0: Trigger;
    pin1: In Progress.
    I thought that the pin1 signal would serve as a trigger to activate the next CODEC configurator.
    According to the scheme in figure 2, I am initializing DAC1 and DAC2 via SPI, using the same XML file for the AD1933 and then ADC1, ADC2 and ADC3 via I2C, with an XML file of the ADAU1979 settings.
    If the scheme is wrong, could you show me how to configure multiple CODECs?

    Best Regards.

    figure 1.

    figure 2.

  • Hello,

    I acknowledge your reply and will post my answer soon.



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