Hello support team.
I'm using the ADAU1467 DSP and I need to configure two AD1933 DACs and three ADAU1979 ADCs.
The schematic diagram of the DSP connection with the two DACs and the three ADCs is shown in the figure below.
The two DACs are connected to the SPI master port of the ADAU1467, I am using the MP6 and MP7 pins as chip selects.
The three ADCs are connected to the ADAU1467 master I2C2 port, with different addresses:
ADC1_ADDR = 0x22 WR, 0x23 RD;
ADC2_ADDR = 0x62 WR, 0x63 RD;
ADC3_ADDR = 0xA2 WR, 0xA3 RD.
I saw that the DAC ADAU1979 is not present in the list of devices compatible with the Sigma Studio. Therefore, I think it is not possible to use the capture window method to create the XML configuration file.
First question: How can I create the configuration file for ADAU1979?
Second question: The configuration of the ADCs and DACs will be done one at a time, can I use both SPI and I2C interfaces for this purpose, activating the SECONDARY_I2C_ENBL bit in register 0xF5F0?
If I'm not abusing it, could you provide me with an example project containing these initializations.
Best Regards.