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Failed to initialize ADAU1452 using an external MCU

Category: Software
Product Number: ADAU1452


    I use the Signmastudio Dev.Tool creat a router, and export System Files, And then initialize the DSP by an external MCU via IIC with using headers generated by sigma studio, but it doesn't work. But using USBi load the same data to this board's DSP with the USBi, it doew work. That's what I'm confused about.

How can I investigate the cause?

  • Hello Mia,

    When it comes to interfacing a MCU with sigmaDSP, there are a few things that we need to take care of.

    Since you are using I2C, you need to take care of I2C addressing and the hardware connections.

    There are a lot of info available in the below post reg interfacing MCU with sigmaDSP via I2C. Make sure that you have set up everything correctly.

    post:  working tutorial, eval adau 1467 and teensy4.1 to control it, in C - Q&A - Audio - EngineerZone (

              working tutorial, eval adau 1467 and ESP32 to control it, in C 

    Hope you have already gone thru the wiki page for interfacing MCU here.



  • Hello Harish,

             Thanks for your reply.I can confirm I2C addressing and the hardware connections is OK. Because Link compile Download initialize data inusing USBi first, and then write data to control the route with my MCU via IIC that's work well. But if downdoad initialize data inusing my MCU via IIC first, that can not work,Although the IIC reads and writes data normally.

             Can it read back the initialization data of the imported DSP with the Signmastudio Dev.Tool using USBi?

  • Hello Mia,

    So, Reading and writing (controlling parameters from MCU) of any registers in the running DSP works well but a booting from MCU doesn't work. which shows that booting sequence command sent from MCU has a problem. 

    If you have used this function default_download_IC_1() from Name_IC_1.h file, then it will take care of the booting sequence. This is the same way how sigma studio does.

    I may have to look at your code. Could you please send me the code as well as the project.

    Can it read back the initialization data of the imported DSP with the Signmastudio Dev.Tool using USBi?

    Are you asking about reading the entire sequence which is sent from MCU?

    If the DSP is successfully booted and running, then you can connect the USBi in slave port and read any particular registers using register window in SS or you can read an entire register page from SS.

    If you have a problem with booting the DSP and it's not running, then you can't read anything. 



  • Hello Harish,

             I have used the function default_download_IC_1().Our project used three ADAU1452, and IC_2 defined to do 34*34 Mixer. Here are code and project.Thanks.ADAU1452_Code.rarADAU1452MIX.dspproj

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