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Category: Datasheet/Specs
Product Number: ADAU1761

in ADAU1761 CODEC, Page no 35 , it is mentioned that - with a 0 dBFS digital input and AVDD 3.3 V, the fullscale output level is 920 mVrms.

1.This output is at DAC output or the device output (LOUTP/LOUTN - including the gains/loss of registers MX5G3 and LOUTVOL) ?

2. 920 mV will be at both differential ports - LOUTP & LOUTN or  will it be divided equally or some other value?

2. 920 mV will be at both differential ports - LOUTP & LOUTN or will it be divided equally or some other value?
[edited by: Vinaybhatt at 11:39 AM (GMT -4) on 31 Aug 2023]