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Query regarding working of SSM2518 in I2C programmable mode with speaker

SSM2518 audio ampifier is configured in I2C programmable mode with SAMOD and ADDR pin driven low.I2C is working fine but unable to get sound at the speaker side only noise is coming at the output. Data from microcontroller send to SSM2518 through I2S PCM protocol. Bit_Clock , MCLK and data is coming at the input of SSM2518.

Following are the parameter settings for I2C and SSM2518 registers.

  1. Serial audio interface format - Mono PCM

  2. Sampling frquency - 8KHz

  3. Master clock select -256*fs

  4. Bit clock -141KHz [Observed on Oscilloscope-122KHz]

  5. Master clock -2.13MHz [Observed on Oscilloscope-1.96MHz]

  6. LRCLK -8.33Khz [Observed on Oscilloscope-7.67KHz]

  7. I2C Address -0x68

  8. Register 0x00 =0x04

  9. Register 0x01=0x01

  10. Register 0x02=0x14

  11. Register 0x03=0x48

  12. Register 0x04=0x00

  13. Register 0x05=0x40;

  14. Register 0x06=0x40;

  15. Register 0x07=0x80;

  16. Register 0x09=0x00;

Kindly give suggesstions on any configuration need to be changed or something is missing in configuration or any application example is avialabe then please share it.

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