The datasheet of the AD632 Rev C say +-12V Offset – table 1.I assume this is a typo – should be 12mV – correct?
The data sheet is definitely in error, however it goes further. If you noticetwo lines down from ‘Offset Voltage X, Y the ‘Offset Voltage Z’ appears twice.
If you draw a line through the first of these and drop each spec. down a line,
you’ll see that now the ‘Offset Voltage X, Y aligns with the next line of specs
below, which starts with ±5nV, ±20mV……..
Also, I think the 12V number should be the max for the spec. ‘Signal Voltage
Range’. I checked for typos in data sheet revs back to 1984 and they are all
shown in the same way, however I think this is an error from the original
publication, whenever that was.
I’ll be starting a data sheet correction to fix this.