The equestion is how to manage the -Vs, COMMON and +Vs pins with a singlesupply.
For instance, the COMMON pin of an AD*6*36 is powered with a 20k/39k bridge to
the +Vs in a single supply-source.
The specifications for this device are specified around dual supplies, centeredaround 0V.
For you to use a single supply(Vsupply) , you must ensure your signal is
centered around Vsupply /2.
You must also ensure that the the sine wave does not go above its peak Limits.
For example for a +-5V supply, the peak limit is 2.7V.
So for a 10v single supply, yout limis are 5V +- 2.7Volts Which is 2.3V to
Therfore your -Vs pin should be ground.
Your Common pin can be 5V, for example.
Your +Vs can be your 10V Single Supply.
But , is it not possible to add a DC to DC to convert your single supply to a
Dual supply.